How can my bathroom contribute to my wellbeing?
Easy, everyday access to holistic well-being
A sauna feels warm and fuzzy, everybody knows that. That’s why so many of us can’t have enough of it. But beyond relaxation, could heat therapy actually offer real health benefits? Should medical practitioners actually start prescribing healing with heat as a treatment? Several studies from the recent years indicate exactly that.
Over 500 scientific studies currently highlight sauna's health benefits: Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality, ailments such as dementia, hypertonia, pulmonary diseases, strokes and different psychic conditions have been shown to benefit from increased minutes in the sauna. Read more about sauna benefits below.
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Frequently asked questions
Do I need a wet area for the sauna?
No, our saunas do not have a drain and don't require to be installed in a wet area.
Do I need a 3-phase plug?
Our sauna heaters are available in single phase and 3-phase.
How often does a sauna require maintenance?
A family sauna should be cleaned 1‒3 times a year with a moderate amount of water and detergent. Slightly alkaline (pH 8‒10) products are suitable detergents. You can also sand the surfaces lightly with sandpaper.
The sauna must be dried using the heater and sufficient ventilation.
What is the electricity consumption of the sauna?
The power of our saunas range from 1.450 W up to 9,000 W, which is from 1.5 units per hour up to 9 units per hour, depending on the heater you require.
How often should I replace my sauna heater stones?
sauna stones should be replaced approximately once a year to save energy and keep the quality of the sauna heater. Assuming a use of 3-4 times a week.